Soirée balkanique IDM : Malaka Hostel + Mr Zarko


Soirée Balkanique en collaboration avec l'Association Ingénieurs du Monde dans le cadre de leur Semaine du Monde.



Malaka Hostel

Global Umpa Music! This exceptional genre represents complete escalation on stage! This group of world travelers feels most at home when the madness has reached its highest point. When Malaka Hostel take over the show, they playfully tear down the invisible barrier between band and audience. They sing in Spanish,German,Czech and English - music is their own, personal World Language.

Traditional elements find their place in this music, whetherfrom the Balkans or the Andes. These elements are all carried and supported by Malaka Hostel’s driving beats, while the brass section, consisting of trumpets, trombones and harmonica powers on. Ska, Polka, BalkanBeats and Rock riffs are just as welcome as Gypsy Swing, Folkor a Greek Rebetiko. Malaka Hostel quickly evolved from a regional underground band to a group playing tours and festivals all over Europe. Their wild songs and high energy live performances quickly cast a spell over every and any audience. After an EP in 2015, the first Album "Dizko Fatale" has been released in March 2019, with which the colorful group goes on another adventurous trip. This crazy, lovable group of freaks only know one destination: collective dance euphoria!

Mr Žarko

Mr Žarko was born in Čačak in the heartland of Serbia, just a stone’s throw away from the small town of Guča which is famous for hosting the legendary trumpet festival with hundred thousands of fanatics each year. In the Balkans, people from the Čačak area enjoy a peculiar reputation, partly explained by Mr Žarko as »folkloristical madness«, a very special form of insanity which he imported with his music to Berlin several years ago. Together with his band members from Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Germany, Mr Žarko performs his own compositions, »songs of laughter, pain, dances and tears«, adding an extremely danceable gypsy beat, a psychedelic twist spiced by a gloomy flavor. The musicians occasionally grab the opportunity to take a solo. But don’t worry, this stuff is definitely made for the dance floor. Several band members have played in well known Balkan acts like Shantel, Miss Platnum, Rotfront, or Fanfara Kalashnikov. In 2013 the band released its debut album »Electric Gypsy Disco Noise« - expect exactly this on stage! After that they released »The Remixes« with the best Balkan DJ’s from the world like DJ Click from Paris and many others. In September 2017, Mr Žarko released their second studio album, featuring special guest musicians like the Bojan Krstić Orkestar from Vladičin Han, Serbia. This will be a blast of crazy Balkan Gypsy sounds!